Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Yes, I am still here!!

Hello Friends...
YES, I am still here!
 Before I get started, I want to extend my thoughts and prayers to all of those who have lost so much or have in any way been affected by Sandy......there just aren't words to express how we all feel about this life altering and devastating ordeal that you have all been faced with.
I know that it has been a while since my last post, and I do apologize for that. The past couple of months have been a bit of a roller coaster ride for us as well...many ups and downs, though nothing in comparison to those on the East coast, again, my thoughts and prayers are with you!!
:)  :(  :)  :(  :)
Worst of all, we lost our poor old boy Riley last month. After many months of doing everything we could to keep him going, we sadly had to say our last good-byes...he was the BEST dog and we miss him so very much!! The house feels so empty now and his "little brother" Cooper, our Chow Chow is absolutely lost without him. It is still so sad to see him wandering around the house looking for Riley. :(
The BEST news is that we found is is...drum roll please...
YUP, by this time next year, I am going to have a SPOILED ROTTEN little baby to love and smooch on and buy all kinds of cute little clothes for and...and...and...I think you get the picture!!!
Do you see what I mean??? A total roller coaster ride!!!
Last night I had my first Christmas Up-date on my PT and I want to thank everyone who stopped by for a peek at my offerings!! I am so sorry that so many of you missed out...things sold so quickly that I had a really hard time keeping up with the emails, but I am planning on doing another up-date next week Monday, on the 12th for those of you who are interested. I had several items that I didn't get finished, so there will be some new fun things on this up-date as well.
I also got a lot of emails requesting that I offer some of the samplers from the up-date in pattern form...well... I already have most of them in my program, so I will try to have them listed as soon as possible. Many thanks to all of those who inquired about it!!
Well, not much else to talk about this morning. I have a busy day of boxing up orders and I also have to run a few errands, so I will let you go with a picture of two fun items that I recently purchased...
A wonderful green bail handled pantry and a darling little treen bowl.
If any of you are going to the shows in ARTHUR IL this coming weekend, maybe I will see you there!!! Sounds like the shows are all going to be FABULOUS so have fun and good luck hunting...and please be safe during your travels!!!
Before I go, I want to once again extend my thoughts and prayers to all of those who have lost so much or have in any way been affected by Sandy.
Until next time...Tina


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats on the grand baby!!! I got in too late to purchase from the update, but you had some wonderful things~hopefully, I can be on time for the next one! Can't wait to see what new patterns you'll be releasing!

  3. Big smile here!!! Such wonderful news, Tina...congrats to everybody!!!
    Somehow, I missed your update completely :( don't know how that happened. I'll be watching for the next one for sure.
    So sorry about Riley. It's so very hard to say goodbye to a much loved member of the family.
    Have fun at the show...someday I'm coming up there and go to all these shows I read about...some day!!!
    Take good care,

  4. Well Hello there Tina ~ so nice to hear from you again.
    So sorry to hear about Riley ~ so hard to loose a member of the family. But Happy to hear about the new Grand Baby ~ Congrats to you!!! Oh the fun!
    Awesome that you sold all your offerings!
    Love your newest treasures ~ the pantry box is to die for ~ love the color!
    Prim Blessings

  5. I'm so sorry you lost your Riley. So hard to accept saying goodbye to our furbabies. Wonderful news on the grandbaby! And you sure do know how to find great pieces.

  6. Tina, you know how sorry I am about Riley. Remember the good times with him and the wonderful life he had with you and John. I'm so excited for you for your first grand baby! And like Robyn, I don't know how I missed your update but I'm glad you will be doing patterns of your new designs. I love them all! Congrats on a sell out update my friend! I can see why....each piece was primitive perfection. Have fun at the shows this weekend. I will be thinking of all the fun we had last year. Can't wait to hear what you find. Love your newest treasures. Hugs, Lori

  7. Tina, words can not express my sadness for you in the loss of Riley!I know all too well how that hurts!! God Bless you!! I am however, superexcited about you being a Granma!! There is absolutely nothing like it!!Thank you for all you do and love your wonderful blog and picture trail!!My favorite of all of them :) Looking forward to your update if I don't forget. Hugs, Candi
